Patrons of Cedar Brake Park

The Pioneers of Montgomery

Cedar Brake Park - Montgomery, Texas - The Pioneers of Montgomery


Buy a Brick!

Help Build the Monument!

Want to make a contribution to the Pioneers of Montgomery monument project?  You can support the Pioneers of Montgomery monument project by buying a custom memorial brick.  Custom bricks memorializing your family, an ancestor, historic events or dates, etc. can be purchased from the Patrons of Cedar Brake Park for $50 for a 4" X 8" brick or two 4" X 8" bricks for $90.  You can also purchase a larger 8" X 8" memorial brick for $125. 

These bricks will be placed as part of the paved walking trail in beautiful Cedar Brake Park.  Wouldn't it be great to see your family's memorial brick in Cedar Brake Park on the day the Pioneers of Montgomery monument is unveiled?  Make your mark on Cedar Brake Park in historic Montgomery, Texas and help support this great project. 

All profits from the sale of the bricks will go directly to the Pioneers of Montgomery monument project.  Click here for a copy of the memorial brick order form.  Checks should be made payable to Patrons of Cedar Brake Park.  The checks and order forms should be sent to Patrons of Cedar Brake Park, P.O. Box 1303, Montgomery, Texas 77356.  If you have questions, please contact Sonya Clover at 713-899-0128.